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Why I Don’t Begin with Brokenness Anymore

“I always start here because whether if you believe like I do or not, we all know the world is broken.”


That was the place I began each 3 Circles conversation. I was contextualizing the gospel to more closely speak the language and resonate with people. It’s a good missionary tactic. Acts 17:23


But after sharing with a strip of homes with pride flags waving high, I was left wondering if this was the best way to share the news about Jesus.

None responded with any curiosity on that street.


The gospel doesn’t change- yeah, I get it. But we all highlight different aspects of the message, and we all prefer different colors. Backgrounds and preferences do weigh on the lens with which we see any portion of scripture. reading with different cultural lenses


I’m considering what color of highlighter will jump off the page for this new group of friends.


So, I searched my past, when I thought sold out Christians were crazy, what made me rethink the message of Christ? What caused hesitation in my judgment that this was a tired old story?

Along with the Spirit of God softening and doing work overtime, it was actually God’s design, not my brokenness that drew me into the story. Jesus’ unmatched easy yoke and abundant life here and now was the most captivating part of the message, not my sins being forgiven.


I am realizing that I pretty much sweep over God’s design and the way of Jesus in my presentation of the three circles. Brokenness is the brightest highlight for me. I move past Genesis 1 & 2 so quickly; they might as well be ripped out of the Bible.


For a season, I’m going to begin with God’s design, while trying to help people "taste and see that the Lord is good”(Psalm 34:8) before I share t When I get to the Jesus circle, I mention two pieces of His life in addition to his coming, dying and rising:


1. Jesus’ way of life is God’s design for us played out in the world.

  • This roots the Jesus’ circle back to a part of the story they’ve already heard.

  • This helps with time, because I’ve already explored what that way of life is like (perfect relationship with God - doing His will - perfectly loving toward others.)

2. Jesus’ way of life brings satisfaction in all the ways that you are experiencing and running from brokenness.


Try it out and tell us how it goes.




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